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Difference between Here we go and There you go

here we go

1. (also: here goes) said by a person ready to begin smth. that takes skill, luck or courage:

  • “Here we go,” Turk murmured grimly, climbing in behind the wheel. “It’s Sydney or the bush! Keep your fingers crossed.”

2. (also: here we go again) is used when smth. unpleasant or undesirable should have been expected or is about to be repeated:

  • Mother is drunk again. Here we go.

there you go

1. is used to say that the situation cannot be changed and one has to accept it:

  • I was hoping to get it all finished today but there you go.

2. = here you go 2:

  • “The historic necessity will carry us on of itself towards a better social state.” “There you go with your Marx and your Hegel!”

3. is used to tell a person that he is now doing it right or has the right attitude:

  • “I know I can do it. I just need to try harder.” “There you go!”

4. is used as a positive reply in response to a request:

  • “Can I borrow your pen a minute?” “There you go.”