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Difference between In the stocks and On the stocks

in the stocks

1. (of money) invested in shares in return for interest:

  • Sir William had a fair estate in land, a large sum of money in the stocks….

2. is used of an old instrument of punishment (the person punished sitting with his ankles confined between two planks):

  • I have seen a man in the stocks as a punishment for drunkenness.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase in stockused of a supply of goods for sale, etc.:

  • We will have more bicycles in stock in a few weeks.

on the stocks

1. (of ships) in the process of being built:

  • The Mariner’s Girl is on the stocks and should be ready for sea in about six months.

2. in process of preparation or completion:

  • This is one of his latest productions, but he has another musical on the stocks.