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Difference between Lower world and Underworld

lower world

1. mortal earth as opposed to heaven:

  • Innumerable high-dressed gentlemen, gods of this lower world, are gone all to inorganic powder.

2. the realm of the dead:

  • In the mysteries of Eleusis, the return of Cora from the lower world was regarded as the symbol of immortality.


1. the community of criminals:

  • He was known in the underworld circles as a luxury loan shark, lending money to casino gamblers.

2. = lower world 2:

  • Auernus was the name of a deep lake near Puteoli, the reputed entrance to the underworld.

Note: The compound does not correlate in meaning with the phrase down under world—(coll.) Australia or New Zealand:

  • Things have been busy in the down under world I have been in recently. I have flown back and forward between Australia and New Zealand…