one’s man—
1. smb.’s servant or subordinate:
- He sent one of his men on shore for a commercial intercourse with the natives.
2. smb.’s loyal and trusted man:
- Kennedy bypassed Secretary of State … when he appointed his man, Averell Harriman, to negotiate a treaty with the Communists.
3. a woman’s husband, or lover:
- All the while her man nods in approval, secretly keeping one eye fixed to the television.
4. a suitable person:
- Richard also runs the website so if you have any questions about the products then he is your man.
one’s own man—
1. smb. who is independent of other people and is able to make his own decisions:
- He had learned something from all the early masters but he was determined to be his own man.
2. a person who is in full control of his faculties and emotions:
- I felt quite swimmy just now, but I am my own man again. Let me see, what was I talking about?
3. = one’s man 2:
- One of Kennedy’s first acts was to appoint his own man, James E. Webb to succeed Glennan as Administrator of NASA.