Renew, restore, refresh, renovate, refurbish, rejuvenate are comparable when they mean to give a person or thing that has become old, worn, or exhausted the qualities or appearance of what is fresh or new or young.
Renew is so inclusive a term that it may imply a making something new to replace the old that has died, decayed, or disintegrated or a remaking so that it seems like new of a thing which has depleted its vitality or force or has lost its freshness or a making a fresh start.
Restore (see also RESTORE 2 ) definitely implies a return to an original state or to a prime condition typically after depletion, exhaustion, or illness or after being marred, injured, or wrecked (as by passage of time, use, accident, or assault in war) or after the loss of a vital or essential quality or character.
Refresh often implies the supplying of something necessary to restore lost strength, animation, or power or to make up for what has been lost through forgetfulness or disuse.
Equally often the term implies the imparting of freshness to something by or as if by cooling, wetting, or allaying thirst; it then usually connotes an enlivening, invigorating, or exhilarating effect.
Renovate and refurbish differ from the preceding terms chiefly in being referred almost exclusively to material things and as a consequence in not having the poetic connotations so often found in renew, restore, and refresh .
Renovate is often used in place of renew when cleansing, repairing, or rebuilding is implied while refurbish implies the restoration of newness or freshness by or as if by scouring or polishing and suggests here little more than a freshening up of the appearance or the external aspects of a thing and therefore occasionally is used in depreciation.
Rejuvenate implies a restoration of youthful vigor, powers, appearance, or activities; sometimes it merely suggests a giving a youthful aspect to something old.