Climactic refers to the culmination of events (a climax). The special effects in the climactic scene of the film are dull. Climatic refers to meteorological conditions. The Ice Age ushered in severe climatic conditions.
Category: Confusing Words
Difference between Click, Press and Type
Click means pressing and releasing the mouse button once. To start the program, click the red icon on the desktop. Press means to put force on something. If it fails again, press the Reset button on the computer once. Type means pressing a character key on a keyboard. After you have entered all the data, […]
Cliché vs Clique
Cliché is an overused expression. Good writers usually try to avoid using clichés in their writing. Clique refers to a small, exclusive group of people. To the dismay of some, many cliques exist in their high school.
Difference between Classic and Classical
Classic refers to a long-established, usually high, standard. Babe Ruth had a classic baseball swing. Classical refers to the arts, literature, and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. In music, classical means music from the 18th century European tradition, as opposed to pop or rock. Molly would rather play classical piano pieces.
Difference between Clamber and Clamor
Clamber means to climb with difficulty and effort. While trying to clamber the wall, he caught his shoe and fell. Clamor means to shout, to make noise, to protest, or to demand. The questions from the crowd eventually rose to a loud clamor. Many people joined the public clamor to keep the school open.
Difference between Citizen and Resident
A citizen is someone who has the full rights of a nation, either by birth or naturalization. A resident lives in a community but doesn’t necessarily have the rights of a citizen.
Difference between Cite, Sight and Site
Cite means to quote or mention something. When you write a term paper for Dr. Hards, cite your references. Sight is something seen, an ability to see, the foreseeable future, or an optical instrument. The ship’s passengers soon caught sight of the beautiful island. The passengers sighted the island from a mile out. Unfortunately, there […]
Difference between Chow and Ciao
Chow is slang for food, and ciao is the Italian word for hello or goodbye.
Difference between Choreography and Chorography
Choreography refers to the art of dance design, and chorography refers to the art of map making.
Difference between Chord and Cord
Chord refers to a group of musical notes. Many of the group’s earlier hits consisted of just three chords. Cord refers to a vocal cord, a cord of wood, or a rope. The high notes and fast tempo strained his vocal cords. To be on the safe side, I bought two cords of wood for […]
Difference between Childish and Childlike
Childish means inappropriately acting like or resembling a child. The painting looks like childish scribble rather than creative art. Childlike means retaining some positive attributes of childhood. Even in his 60s, Ken retains a childlike love of rock music.
Difference between Child-care and Child care
Hyphenate this phrase when used as an adjective. They’ve used a child-care agency for many years. Do not hyphenate this phrase when used as a noun. They searched everywhere for the best child care.