Solid means reliable when referring to a person’s character. He has a reputation as a solid citizen. Stolid means unemotional or stoic. The funny entertainer could even make a stolid person let loose.
Category: Confusing Words
Difference between Slither of cake and Sliver of cake
Sliver of cake is the correct expression.
Difference between Sleight of hand and Slight of hand
Sleight of hand is the correct expression.
Difference between Skiddish and Skittish
Skittish is the correct word.
Difference between Sketch and Skit
Though both are short, entertaining presentations, a sketch is usually serious and unrehearsed while a skit is typically rehearsed and comical.
Difference between Sister-in-laws and Sisters-in-law
Sisters-in-law is the correct phrase.
Difference between Simple and Simplistic
Simple means plain, not complex, or uncomplicated. Joe’s explanation is quite simple and easy to comprehend. Simplistic means unrealistically simple and usually used in a derogatory sense. Bob’s explanation is quite simplistic and omits many key points.
Difference between Silicon and Silicone
Silicon is the nonmetallic chemical element used in microchips. The technician put the silicon wafer into the slot. Silicone is plastic and other materials that contain silicon. Silicone is widely used as a protective coating for shoes.
Difference between Shudder to think and Shutter to think
Shudder to think is the correct expression.
Difference between Shudder and Shutter
Shudder means to vibrate, shake, or shiver from fear, revulsion, or cold. The severe air turbulence caused the airplane to shudder. I shudder to imagine where we will be if the measure fails. Shutter is a screen or cover, or a movable cover for a window. A camera’s shutter is similar to a person’s eyelid. […]
Difference between Should have and Should of
Should have is the correct phrase. They should have come downstairs earlier.
Difference between Sherbet, Sherbert and Sorbet
Use sherbet (with one r) not sherbert when referring to the milk-based confection. Sorbet is a fancy fruit-based iced dessert.