Sanguinary means bloody or murderous. The Battle of Gettysburg was the most sanguinary battle ever fought on this continent. Sanguine means cheerful, optimistic, or confident. She is sanguine about the future and happy to have a new job.
Category: Confusing Words
Salon vs Saloon
A salon is a large room usually used for entertaining people, cutting hair, or exhibiting artwork.
Difference between Salacious and Salubrious
Salacious means lecherous, lustful, or obscene. We all receive salacious, virus-bearing e-mail. Salubrious means conducive or favorable to health and well-being. Every winter they enjoy the salubrious weather in Florida.
Difference between Safe-deposit box and Safety deposit box
Safe-deposit box is the correct phrase.
Difference between Sachet and Sashay
Sachet is a small packet of perfumed powder. While drying clothes, Jo dropped a small sachet in the dryer. Sashay means to strut or flounce. After their victory, the girls proudly sashayed around the field.
Rigorous vs Vigorous
Rigorous means harsh, precise, severe, or strict. (see also Rigid vs Rigorous vs Strict vs Stringent ) The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience. Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid down by the police. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure. Vigorous means energetic, robust, or strong. (see […]
Difference between Rightfully and Rightly
Rightfully means having a claim or right to something. Marty is rightfully the owner of the rare painting. Rightly means correctly or properly. Joe rightly refuses to sign a contract until an accord is reached.
Difference between Right and Wright
Right means morally, legally, or properly. The umpire did the right thing when he admitted his mistake. Wright is a maker such as a playwright. Many people consider Neil Simon a famous American wright.
Difference between Riffle and Rifle
Riffle means to browse or thumb through something. She riffled the class material just before the test. Rifle means to ransack or steal something. Someone rifled through their house while they were out of town.
Difference between Revolve and Rotate
These words are synonyms in everyday writing but not in scientific or technical writing. The earth revolves around the sun and rotates upon its axis.
Difference between Review and Revue
Review refers to critically evaluating. Her new movie has received mixed reviews from the critics. Revue refers to a musical or theatrical production. Igor Stravinsky once composed a ballet score for a Broadway revue.
Difference between Retroactive from and Retroactive to
Retroactive to is the preferred phrase. The salary increases are retroactive to January 1.