Heretic, schismatic, sectarian, sectary, dissenter, nonconformist are comparable when denoting a person who from the point of view of a particular church or religious faith is not orthodox in his beliefs.
Category: Synonyms
Help vs Aid vs Assist
Help, aid, assist and their corresponding nouns help, aid, assistance are often used with little distinction as meaning (for the verbs) to furnish another person or thing with what is needed (as for the accomplishment of work or the attainment of an end) or (for the nouns) the support so furnished. All usually imply cooperation or a combination of effort.
Height vs Altitude vs Elevation
Height, altitude, elevation mean the distance a thing rises above the level on which it stands, or the vertical distance between a given level taken as a base and a thing that is above it.
Heavy vs Weighty vs Ponderous vs Cumbrous vs Cumbersome vs Hefty
Something is heavy which is denser and more compact in substance or larger in size or amount than the average of its kind or class and so weighs more in proportion.
Hearing vs Audience vs Audition
Hearing, audience, audition all mean a formal opportunity to be heard by persons having authority to question or the power of decision.
Heap vs Pile vs Stack vs Shock vs Cock vs Mass vs Bank
Heap, pile, stack, shock, cock, mass, bank are comparable as verbs when they mean to bring together into a more or less compact group or collection a number of things and as nouns when they denote the group or collection so assembled.
Healthy vs Sound vs Wholesome vs Robust vs Hale vs Well
Healthy, sound, wholesome, robust, hale, well are comparable when meaning having or manifesting health of mind or body or indicative of such health.
Healthful vs Healthy vs Wholesome vs Salubrious vs Salutary vs Hygienic vs Sanitary
Healthful, healthy, wholesome, salubrious, salutary, hygienic, sanitary are comparable when they mean conducive or beneficial to the health or soundness of body or mind.
Haze vs Mist vs Fog vs Smog
Haze, mist, fog, smog denote an atmospheric condition which deprives the air near the earth of its transparency.
Have vs Hold vs Own vs Possess vs Enjoy
Have, hold, own, possess, enjoy are comparable when they mean to keep, control, retain, or experience as one’s own.
Hateful vs Odious vs Abhorrent vs Detestable vs Abominable
Hateful, odious, abhorrent, detestable, abominable are sometimes used with little distinction.
Hate vs Detest vs Abhor vs Abominate vs Loathe
Hate, the general term, implies extreme aversion especially as coupled with enmity or malice.