Hate, hatred are not always interchangeable although they both denote intense, settled dislike for a person or thing that causes one either to avoid him or it scrupulously or to be his or its bitter enemy.
Category: Synonyms
Haste vs Hurry vs Speed vs Expedition vs Dispatch
Haste, hurry, speed, expedition, dispatch are comparable when meaning quickness or swiftness in movement or in action.
Harmony vs Consonance vs Accord vs Concord
Harmony, consonance, accord, concord all designate the result attained or the effect produced when different things come together without clashing or disagreement.
Harmonize vs Tune vs Attune
Harmonize, tune, attune mean to bring things into accord with each other.
Harmless vs Innocuous vs Innocent vs Inoffensive vs Unoffending
Harmless, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, unoffending are comparable when meaning not having hurtful or injurious qualities.
Hardened vs Indurated vs Callous
Hardened, indurated, callous mean grown or become hard.
Harden vs Season vs Acclimatize vs Acclimate
Harden, season, acclimatize, acclimate denote to make (as a person) proof against hardship, strain, or exposure. All imply a becoming accustomed or adapted by time or experience.
Harden vs Solidify vs Indurate vs Petrify vs Cake
Harden, solidify, indurate, petrify, cake are comparable when they mean to make or to become physically hard or solid.
Hard vs Difficult vs Arduous
Hard, difficult, arduous are comparable when applied to tasks for mind or body to mean demanding great toil or effort in reaching the appointed or the desired end.
Harbor vs Shelter vs Entertain vs Lodge vs House vs Board
Harbor, shelter, entertain, lodge, house, board are comparable when they mean to provide a place (as in one’s home, quarters, or confines) where someone or something may stay or be kept for a time.
Harbor vs Haven vs Port
Harbor, haven, port are comparable because they have at one time or another meant a place where ships may ride secure from storms.
Happiness vs Felicity vs Beatitude vs Blessedness vs Bliss
Happiness, felicity, beatitude, blessedness, bliss all denote the enjoyment or pleasurable satisfaction that goes with well-being.