Happen, chance, occur, befall, betide, transpire are comparable when they mean to come to pass or to come about.
Category: Synonyms
Hang vs Suspend vs Sling vs Dangle
Hang, suspend, sling, dangle mean to place or be placed so as to be supported at one point or on one side, usually a point or side at the top.
Handle vs manipulate vs wield vs swing vs ply
Handle, manipulate, wield, swing, ply are comparable when they mean to deal with or manage with or as if with the hands typically in an easy, skillful, or dexterous manner.
Hamper vs Trammel vs Clog vs Fetter vs Shackle vs Manacle vs Hog-tie
Hamper, trammel, clog, fetter, shackle, manacle, hog-tie are comparable when meaning to hinder or impede one so that one cannot move, progress, or act freely.
Haggard vs Worn vs Careworn vs Pinched vs Wasted vs Cadaverous
Haggard, worn, careworn, pinched, wasted, cadaverous are comparable when they mean thin and drawn by or as if by worry, fatigue, hunger, or illness.
Habituate vs Accustom vs Addict vs Inure
Habituate, accustom, addict, inure mean to make used to something.
Habitation vs Dwelling vs Abode vs Residence vs Domicile vs Home vs House
Habitation, dwelling, abode, residence, domicile, home, house are comparable when they mean the place where one lives.
Habitat vs Biotype vs Range vs Station
Habitat, biotype, range, station are comparable in their technical biological senses in which they agree in denoting the place in which a particular kind of organism lives or grows.
Habit vs Habitude vs Practice vs Usage vs Custom vs Use vs Wont
Habit, habitude, practice, usage, custom, use, wont are comparable when they mean a way of behaving, doing, or proceeding that has become fixed by constant repetition.
Gulf vs Chasm vs Abysm vs Abyss
Gulf, chasm, abysm, abyss basically denote a hollow place of vast width and depth in the earth.
Guide vs Lead vs Steer vs Pilot vs Engineer
Guide, lead, steer, pilot, engineer are comparable when meaning to direct a person or thing in his or its course or to show the way which he or it should follow.
Guarantee vs Guaranty vs Surety vs Security vs Bond vs Bail
Guarantee, guaranty, surety, security, bond, bail are comparable when they mean either something that is given or pledged as assurance of one’s responsibility (as for the payment of a debt, the fulfillment of a promise or obligation, or the performance of a duty) or the person who accepts such responsibility and gives or pledges something by way of assurance.