Group, cluster, bunch, parcel, lot mean a collection or assemblage of persons or of things.
Category: Synonyms
Grim vs Implacable vs Relentless vs Unrelenting vs Merciless
Grim, implacable, relentless, unrelenting, merciless are comparable when they mean so inexorable or obdurate as to repel or bar any effort to move one from one’s purpose or course.
Grieve vs Mourn vs Sorrow
Grieve, mourn, sorrow mean to feel or express one’s sorrow or grief.
Greeting vs Salutation vs Salute
Greeting, salutation, salute denote the ceremonial words or acts of one who meets, welcomes, or formally addresses another.
Grateful vs Thankful
Grateful, thankful both mean feeling or expressing one’s gratitude.
Graphic vs Vivid vs Picturesque vs Pictorial
Graphic, vivid, picturesque, pictorial are comparable when they mean having or manifesting a quality or character that produces a strong, clear impression, especially a visual impression.
Grant vs Concede vs Allow
Grant, concede, allow are comparable when they mean to admit something in question, especially a point or contention of one’s opponent in an argument.
Grant vs concede vs vouchsafe vs accord vs award
Grant, concede, vouchsafe, accord, award denote to give as a favor or as a right.
Grand vs Magnificent vs Imposing vs Stately vs Majestic vs August vs Noble vs Grandiose
Grand, magnificent, imposing, stately, majestic, august, noble, grandiose are comparable when they mean large, handsome, dignified, and impressive. They vary somewhat in the emphasis which they respectively place on these qualities, and they differ somewhat also in their additional implications and connotations.
Gradation vs Shade vs Nuance
Gradation, shade, nuance are comparable when they mean the difference or variation between two things that are nearly alike.
Gracious vs Cordial vs Affable vs Genial vs Sociable
Gracious, cordial, affable, genial, sociable are used to describe persons or their words or acts who or which are markedly pleasant and easy in social intercourse.
Govern vs Rule
Govern, Rule are comparable when they mean to exercise power or authority in controlling or directing another or others, often specifically those persons who comprise a state or nation.