Gossip, blab, tattle mean to disclose something that one would have done better to keep to oneself.
Category: Synonyms
Goodness vs Virtue vs Rectitude vs Morality
Goodness, virtue, rectitude, morality are comparable and very general terms denoting moral excellence.
Good vs Right
Good, right are comparable when they mean in accordance with one’s standard of what is satisfactory.
Early vs Soon vs Beforehand vs Betimes
Early, soon, beforehand, betimes share the meaning of at or nearly at a given point of time or around the beginning of a specified or implied period of time.
Go vs Leave vs Depart vs Quit vs Withdraw vs Retire
Go, leave, depart, quit, withdraw, retire are comparable when they mean to move out of or away from the place where one is.
Giddy vs Dizzy vs Vertiginous vs Swimming vs Dazzled
Giddy, dizzy, vertiginous, swimming, dazzled are comparable when meaning affected by or producing a sensation of being whirled about or around and consequently confused.
Give vs Present vs Donate vs Bestow vs Confer vs Afford
Give, present, donate, bestow, confer, afford are comparable when meaning to convey something or make something over or available to another as his possession.
Gibberish vs Mummery vs Hocus-pocus vs Abracadabra
Gibberish, mummery, hocus-pocus, abracadabra are comparable as terms of contempt applied to something which is in itself unintelligible or meaningless to the person concerned. They are often used interchangeably but are not true synonyms.
Ghastly vs Grisly vs Gruesome vs Macabre vs Grim vs Lurid
Ghastly, grisly, gruesome, macabre, grim, lurid are comparable when they mean horrifying and repellent in appearance or aspect.
Get vs Obtain vs Procure vs Secure vs Acquire vs Gain vs Win
Get, obtain, procure, secure, acquire, gain, win are comparable and often interchangeable when they mean to come into possession of.
Gesture vs Gesticulation
Gesture, gesticulation are comparable when meaning an expressive movement or motion of the body or limbs or the use of such a movement or motion.
Germ vs Microbe vs Bacterium vs Bacillus vs Virus
Germ, microbe, bacterium, bacillus, virus though not strict synonyms, are comparable because all denote organisms invisible to the naked eye, including organisms that are the causative agents of various diseases.