Gentleman, patrician, aristocrat are comparable when they denote a person of good or noble birth.
Category: Synonyms
Generate vs Engender vs Breed vs Beget vs Get vs Sire vs Procreate vs Propagate vs Reproduce
Generate, engender, breed, beget, get, sire, procreate, propagate, reproduce are comparable when they mean to give life or origin to or to bring into existence by or as if by natural processes.
Gaze vs Gape vs Stare vs Glare vs Peer vs Gloat
Gaze, gape, stare, glare, peer, gloat are comparable when meaning to look at long and attentively, but they vary greatly in their implications of attitude and motive.
Gaudy vs Tawdry vs Garish vs Flashy vs Meretricious
Gaudy, tawdry, garish, flashy, meretricious are comparable when meaning vulgar or cheap in its showiness.
Gather vs Collect vs Assemble vs Congregate
Gather, collect, assemble, congregate mean to come or to bring together so as to form a group, a mass, or a unit.
Futile vs Vain vs Fruitless vs Bootless vs Abortive
Futile, vain, fruitless, bootless, abortive all denote barren of result.
Furnish vs Equip vs Outfit vs Appoint vs Accouter vs Arm
Furnish, equip, outfit, appoint, accouter, arm are comparable when they mean to supply a person or something used by him with the adjuncts necessary or appropriate to his daily living or his occupation.
Furious vs Frantic vs Frenzied vs Wild vs Frenetic vs Delirious vs Rabid
Furious, frantic, frenzied, wild, frenetic, delirious, rabid are comparable when they mean possessed with uncontrollable excitement especially under the stress of a powerful emotion.
Fundamental vs Basic vs Basal vs Underlying vs Radical
Fundamental, basic, basal, underlying, radical are comparable when they mean forming or affecting the groundwork, roots, or lowest part of something.
Function vs Office vs Duty vs Province
Function, office, duty, province are comparable when they mean the act, acts, activities, or operations expected of a person or thing by virtue of his or its nature, structure, status, or position.
Fun vs Jest vs Sport vs Game vs Play
Fun, jest, sport, game, play are comparable when they denote something (as an activity, an utterance, or a form of expression) that provides diversion or amusement or is intended to arouse laughter.
Fulsome vs Oily vs Unctuous vs Oleaginous vs Slick vs Soapy
Fulsome, oily, unctuous, oleaginous, slick, soapy are comparable when they mean too obviously extravagant or ingratiating to be accepted as genuine or sincere.