Full, complete, plenary, replete are not interchangeable with each other, but the last three are interchangeable with the most comprehensive term, full, in at least one of its senses.
Category: Synonyms
Frustrate vs Thwart vs Foil vs Baffle vs Balk vs Circumvent vs Outwit
Frustrate, thwart, foil, baffle, balk, circumvent, outwit mean either to defeat a person attempting or hoping to achieve an end or satisfy a desire or, in some cases, to defeat another’s desire.
Frown vs Scowl vs Glower vs Lower vs Gloom
Frown, scowl, glower, lower, gloom are comparable when they mean to put on a dark or malignant countenance or aspect.
Frighten vs Fright vs Scare vs Alarm vs Terrify vs Terrorize vs Startle vs Affray vs Affright
Frighten, fright, scare, alarm, terrify, terrorize, startle, affray, affright mean to strike or to fill with fear or dread.
Friendship vs Amity vs Comity vs Goodwill
Friendship, amity, comity, goodwill are comparable when they denote the relation (or, in the first three instances, the alliance) existing between persons, communities, states, or peoples that are in accord and in sympathy with each other.
Friend vs Acquaintance vs Intimate vs Confidant
Friend, acquaintance, intimate, confidant are comparable when they designate a person, especially not related by blood, with whom one is on good and, usually, familiar terms.
Freedom vs Liberty vs License
Freedom, liberty, license are comparable when meaning the state or condition of one who can think, believe, or act as he wishes.
Free vs Release vs Liberate vs Emancipate vs Manumit vs Deliver vs Discharge vs Enfranchise
Free, release, liberate, emancipate, manumit, deliver, discharge, enfranchise are comparable when meaning to set loose from whatever ties or binds or to make clear of whatever encumbers or holds back.
Free vs Independent vs Sovereign vs Autonomous vs Autarchic vs Autarkic
Free, independent, sovereign, autonomous, autarchic, autarkic are comparable when they mean not subject to the rule or control of another.
Frank vs Candid vs Open vs Plain
Frank, candid, open, plain are comparable when they mean showing in speech, looks, and manners the willingness to tell what one feels or thinks.
Fragrance vs Perfume vs Incense vs Redolence vs Bouquet
Fragrance, perfume, incense, redolence, bouquet are comparable when denoting a sweet or pleasant odor.
Fragile vs Frangible vs Brittle vs Crisp vs Short vs Friable
Fragile, frangible, brittle, crisp, short, friable mean easily broken. They are, however, not often interchangeable.