Found, establish, institute, organize are comparable when meaning to set going or to bring into existence something (as a business, a colony, or an institution).
Category: Synonyms
Fortitude vs Grit vs Backbone vs Pluck vs Guts vs Sand
Fortitude, grit, backbone, pluck, guts, sand denote a quality of character combining courage and staying power.
Forthright vs Downright
Forthright , downright are comparable because they agree in their basic sense of moving or in the habit of moving straight to the mark.
Fort vs Fortress vs Citadel vs Stronghold vs Fastness
Fort, fortress, citadel, stronghold, fastness denote in common a structure or place offering resistance to a hostile force.
Formless vs Unformed vs Shapeless
Formless, unformed, shapeless are comparable when they mean having no definite or recognizable form.
Form vs Usage vs Convention vs Convenance
Form, usage, convention, convenance are comparable when they mean a fixed or accepted way of doing or sometimes of expressing something.
Form vs Formality vs Ceremony vs Ceremonial vs Rite vs Ritual vs Liturgy
Form, formality, ceremony, ceremonial, rite, ritual, liturgy mean an established or fixed method of procedure especially as enjoined by law, the customs of social intercourse, or the church.
Form vs Figure vs Shape vs Conformation vs Configuration
Form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration are comparable when they denote the disposition or arrangement of content that gives a particular aspect or appearance to a thing as distinguished from the substance of which that thing is made.
Forgo vs Forbear vs Abnegate vs Eschew vs Sacrifice
Forgo, forbear, abnegate, eschew, sacrifice are comparable when they denote to deny oneself something for the sake of an end.
Forgetful vs Oblivious vs Unmindful
Forgetful, oblivious, unmindful are comparable when they mean losing or letting go from one’s mind something once known or learned.
Foretoken vs Presage vs Prognostic vs Omen vs Augury vs Portent
Foretoken, presage, prognostic, omen, augury, portent are comparable when meaning something (as an event, a phenomenon, or a condition) that serves as a sign of future happenings.
Foretell vs Predict vs Forecast vs Prophesy vs Prognosticate vs Augur vs Presage vs Portend vs Forebode
Foretell, predict, forecast, prophesy, prognosticate, augur, presage, portend, forebode are comparable when meaning to tell something before it happens through special knowledge or occult power.