Foresee, foreknow, divine, apprehend, anticipate can mean to know or expect that something will happen or come into existence in advance of its occurrence or advent or to have knowledge that something exists before it is manifested or expressed.
Category: Synonyms
Forerunner vs Precursor vs Harbinger vs Herald
Forerunner, precursor, harbinger, herald are comparable when they denote someone or something that comes before another person or thing and in some way indicates his or its future appearance.
Forced vs Labored vs Strained vs Farfetched
Forced, labored, strained, farfetched are comparable when they mean produced or kept up through effort and, therefore, neither natural nor easy nor spontaneous.
Force vs Compel vs Coerce vs Constrain vs Oblige
Force, compel, coerce, constrain, oblige are comparable when meaning to make a person or thing yield to the will of a person or to the strength or power of a thing.
Force vs Violence vs Compulsion vs Coercion vs Duress vs Constraint vs Restraint
Force, violence, compulsion, coercion, duress, constraint, restraint denote the exercise or the exertion of power in order to impose one’s will on a person or to have one’s will with a thing.
Forbid vs Prohibit vs Enjoin vs Interdict vs Inhibit vs Ban
Forbid, prohibit, enjoin, interdict, inhibit, ban are comparable when meaning to debar a person from using, doing, or entering or to order something not be used, done, or entered.
Forbearing vs Tolerant vs Clement vs Merciful vs Lenient vs Indulgent
Forbearing, tolerant, clement, merciful, lenient, indulgent mean disinclined by nature, disposition, or circumstances to be severe or rigorous.
Fop vs Dandy vs Beau vs Coxcomb vs Exquisite vs Dude vs Buck
Fop, dandy, beau, coxcomb, exquisite, dude, buck are comparable when denoting a man who is conspicuously fashionable or elegant in dress or manners.
Foolish vs Silly vs Absurd vs Preposterous
Foolish, silly, absurd, preposterous, as applied to a person, his acts, behavior, and utterances, mean ridiculous because not exhibiting good sense.
Fool vs Idiot vs Imbecile vs Moron vs Simpleton vs Natural
Fool, idiot, imbecile, moron, simpleton, natural are often used popularly and interchangeably of one regarded as lacking sense or good judgment but each can be more precisely applied to someone mentally deficient in a given degree.
Food vs Aliment vs Pabulum vs Nutriment vs Nourishment vs Sustenance vs Pap
Food, aliment, pabulum, nutriment, nourishment, sustenance, pap are comparable especially when they denote material which feeds and supports the mind or the spirit.
Food vs Feed vs Victuals vs Viands vs Provisions vs Comestibles vs Provender vs Fodder vs Forage
Food, feed, victuals, viands, provisions, comestibles, provender, fodder, forage are comparable when meaning things that are edible for human beings or animals.