Fond, infatuated, besotted, insensate are comparable when they mean made blindly or stupidly foolish (as by passion or drink).
Category: Synonyms
Following vs Clientele vs Public vs Audience
Following, clientele, public, audience are comparable when they denote the body of persons who attach themselves to another especially as disciples, patrons, or admirers.
Follower vs Adherent vs Disciple vs Sectary vs Partisan vs Henchman vs Satellite
Follower, adherent, disciple, sectary, partisan, henchman, satellite are comparable when denoting one who attaches himself to another.
Follow vs Pursue vs Chase vs Trail vs Tag vs Tail
Follow, pursue, chase, trail, tag, tail are comparable when meaning to go immediately or shortly after someone or something.
Follow vs Succeed vs Ensue vs Supervene
Follow, succeed, ensue, supervene mean to come after someone or, more often, something. Although all of these verbs occur as transitives and intransitives, ensue and supervene are more commonly intransitive verbs.
Foam vs Froth vs Spume vs Scum vs Lather vs Suds vs Yeast
Foam, froth, spume, scum, lather, suds, yeast are comparable when they denote either a mass of bubbles gathering in or on the surface of a liquid or something as insubstantial as such a mass.
Fly vs Dart vs Float vs Skim vs Scud vs Shoot vs Sail
Fly, dart, float, skim, scud, shoot, sail are comparable in their extended senses when they mean to pass, or less often to cause to pass, lightly or quickly over a surface or above a surface.
Flow vs Stream vs Current vs Flood vs Tide vs Flux
Flow, stream, current, flood, tide, flux are comparable when meaning something issuing or moving in a manner like or suggestive of running water.
Flood vs Deluge vs Inundation vs Torrent vs Spate vs Cataract
Flood, deluge, inundation, torrent, spate, cataract are comparable when they mean a great or overwhelming flow of or as if of water.
Flit vs Flutter vs Flitter vs Flicker vs Hover
Flit, flutter, flitter, flicker, hover suggest the movements of a bird or other flying or floating thing and mean to move in a manner like or reminiscent of such movements.
Flex vs Crook vs Bow vs Buckle
Flex, crook, bow, buckle mean to bend, but because of special implications and applications they are not freely interchangeable.
Fleshy vs Fat vs Stout vs Portly vs Plump vs Rotund vs Chubby vs Corpulent vs Obese
Fleshy, fat, stout, portly, plump, rotund, chubby, corpulent, obese mean thick and heavy in body because of superfluous fat.