Flash, gleam, glance, glint, sparkle, glitter, glisten, scintillate, coruscate, twinkle mean to shoot forth light (as in rays or sparks).
Category: Synonyms
Flagrant vs Glaring vs Gross vs Rank
Flagrant, glaring, gross, rank are comparable as derogatory intensives meaning conspicuously or outstandingly bad or unpleasant.
Flag vs Ensign vs Standard vs Banner vs Color vs Streamer vs Pennant vs Pendant vs Pennon vs Jack
Flag, ensign, standard, banner, color, streamer, pennant, pendant, pennon, jack are not always clearly distinguished.
Fitful vs Spasmodic vs Convulsive
Fitful, spasmodic, convulsive are comparable when they mean lacking steadiness or regularity in course, movement, or succession (as of acts or efforts).
Fit vs Suitable vs Meet vs Proper vs Appropriate vs Fitting vs Apt vs Happy vs Felicitous
Fit, suitable, meet, proper, appropriate, fitting, apt, happy, felicitous are comparable when they mean right with respect to the nature, condition, circumstances, or use of the thing qualified.
Fit vs Attack vs Access vs Accession vs Paroxysm vs Spasm vs Convulsion
Fit, attack, access, accession, paroxysm, spasm, convulsion are comparable when they denote a sudden seizure or spell resulting from an abnormal condition of body or mind.
Fish vs Angle
Fish, angle mean to attempt to catch fish.
Firm v Hard vs Solid
Firm, hard, solid are comparable chiefly as meaning having a texture or consistency that markedly resists deformation by external force.
Fire vs Conflagration vs Holocaust
Fire, conflagration, holocaust are comparable when meaning a blaze that reduces or threatens to reduce one or more buildings to ashes.
Financial vs Monetary vs Pecuniary vs Fiscal
Financial, monetary, pecuniary, fiscal are comparable when meaning of or relating to the possession, the making, the borrowing and lending, or the expenditure of money.
Figure vs Pattern vs Design vs Motif vs Device
Figure, pattern, design, motif, device are comparable when they mean a unit in a decorative composition (as in an ornamented textile or fabric) consisting of a representation of a natural, conventionalized, or geometrical shape or a combination of such representations.
Fierce vs Truculent vs Ferocious vs Barbarous vs Savage vs Inhuman vs Cruel vs Fell
Fierce, truculent, ferocious, barbarous, savage, inhuman, cruel, fell are comparable when they mean displaying fury or malignity in looks or in actions.