Feat, exploit, achievement denote a remarkable deed or performance.
Category: Synonyms
Fearful vs Awful vs Dreadful vs Frightful vs Terrible vs Terrific vs Horrible vs Horrific vs Shocking vs Appalling
Fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, terrible, terrific, horrible, horrific, shocking, appalling are comparable in that all and especially their adverbs are used informally as intensives meaning little more than extreme (or extremely), but each term has a definite and distinct value when applied to a thing that stimulates an emotion in which fear or horror is in some degree an element.
Fearful vs Apprehensive vs Afraid
Fearful, apprehensive, afraid are comparable when they mean inspired or moved by fear.
Fear vs Dread vs Fright vs Alarm vs Dismay vs Consternation vs Panic vs Terror vs Horror vs Trepidation
Fear, dread, fright, alarm, dismay, consternation, panic, terror, horror, trepidation denote the distressing or disordering agitation which overcomes one in the anticipation or in the presence of danger.
Fawn vs Toady vs Truckle vs Cringe vs Cower
Fawn, toady, truckle, cringe, cower are comparable when they mean to act or behave with abjectness in the presence of a superior.
Favorable vs Benign vs Auspicious vs Propitious
Favorable, benign, auspicious, propitious mean being of good omen or presaging a happy or successful outcome.
Favor vs Countenance vs Encourage
Favor, countenance, encourage are comparable when they mean to give the support of one’s approval to.
Fault vs Failing vs Frailty vs Foible vs Vice
Fault, failing, frailty, foible, vice are comparable when they mean an imperfection in character or an ingrained moral weakness.
Fathom vs Sound vs Plumb
Fathom, sound, plumb all mean to measure the depth (as of a body of water) typically with a weighted line.
Fate vs Destiny vs Lot vs Portion vs Doom
Fate, destiny, lot, portion, doom are comparable when they denote the state, condition, or end which is decreed for one by a higher power.
Fasten vs Fix vs Attach vs Affix
Fasten, fix, attach, affix mean to make something stay firmly in place or in an assigned place.
Fast vs Rapid vs Swift vs Fleet vs Quick vs Speedy vs Hasty vs Expeditious
Fast, rapid, swift, fleet, quick, speedy, hasty, expeditious mean moving, proceeding, or acting with great celerity.