Fashion, style, mode, vogue, fad, rage, craze, dernier cri, cry are comparable when denoting a way of dressing, of furnishing and decorating rooms, of dancing, or of behaving that is generally accepted at a given time by those who wish to follow the trend or to be regarded as up-to-date.
Category: Synonyms
Farther vs Further
Farther, further are often used without distinction though originally different words, farther being the comparative of far and further, in its adverbial form (as an adjective, it is without a positive), being the comparative of fore or forth.
Fantastic vs Bizarre vs Grotesque vs Antic
Fantastic, bizarre, grotesque, antic are comparable when they describe works of art, effects produced by nature or art, ideas, or behavior and mean conceived or made, or seemingly conceived or made, without reference to reality, truth, or common sense.
Fancy vs Fantasy vs Phantasy vs Phantasm vs Vision vs Dream vs Daydream vs Nightmare
Fancy, fantasy, phantasy, phantasm, vision, dream, daydream, nightmare are comparable when they denote a vivid idea or image, or a series of such ideas or images, present in the mind but having no concrete or objective reality.
Famous vs Famed vs Renowned vs Celebrated vs Eminent vs Illustrious
Famous, famed, renowned, celebrated, eminent, illustrious are comparable when meaning known far and wide among men.
Familiar vs Intimate vs Close vs Confidential vs Chummy vs Thick
Familiar, intimate, close, confidential, chummy, thick are comparable when meaning near to one another because of constant or frequent association, shared interests and activities, or common sympathies, or, when applied to words or acts, indicative of such nearness.
Fame vs Renown vs Honor vs Glory vs Celebrity vs Reputation vs Repute vs Notoriety vs Éclat
Fame, renown, honor, glory, celebrity, reputation, repute, notoriety, éclat are comparable when they mean the character or state of being widely known by name for one’s deeds and, often, one’s achievements.
False vs Wrong
False, wrong mean not in conformity with what is true or right.
Fallacy vs Sophism vs Sophistry vs Casuistry
Fallacy, sophism, sophistry, casuistry are comparable when meaning unsound and misleading reasoning or line of argument.
Fall vs Drop vs Sink vs Slump vs Subside
Fall, drop, sink, slump, subside are comparable when they mean to go or to let go downward freely.
Faithless vs False vs Disloyal vs Traitorous vs Treacherous vs Perfidious
Faithless, false, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious mean untrue to a person, an institution, or a cause that has a right to expect one’s fidelity or allegiance.
Faithful vs Loyal vs True vs Constant vs Staunch vs Steadfast vs Resolute
Faithful, loyal, true, constant, staunch, steadfast, resolute are comparable when meaning firm in adherence to the person, the country, or the cause to whom or to which one is bound by duty or promise.