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Difference between Draw something in and Pull something in

draw something in

1. bring smth. in by pulling:

  • When the fisherman drew in his net he found in it a remarkable fish.

2. (of air) breathe in; inhale:

  • Draw in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

3. (of a piece of clothing ) draw tight or cause to shrink:

  • This billowing dress can be drawn in by adding a belt.

4. (of spending ) reduce:

  • If prices continue to rise, we shall have to draw in our spending even further.

pull something in

1. = draw something in 1:

  • He ran out of worms so after a while he pulled in his fishing line and walked away.

2. (of an animal) control; restrain:

  • Your horse is trying to go too fast; you must pull him in.

3. (coll.) earn money:

  • You can pull in over 6,000 a year at that factory.

4. = draw something in 4:

  • You now have to pull in your spending somehow.