fling something away—
1. throw smth. away; get rid of smth. unwanted:
- Let’s fling that old furniture away and buy some new.
2. waste smth. such as an opportunity, etc.:
- You shouldn’t fling away a chance like that.
3. say smth. casually or carelessly:
- You flung away that last line, we couldn’t hear you.
fling something off—
1. quickly remove one’s clothing:
- It’s good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.
2. get free from smth.; discard smth.:
- In a new job, one should fling off old habits of thought.
3. release or produce heat, smell, etc.:
- When this material burns, it flings off a nasty smell.
4. write or compose smth. quickly and easily:
- I can fling off a poem in half an hour.
5. = fling something away 3:
- Before you fling off a remark like that, think what you are saying.