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Difference between Give someone the time and Give someone the time of day

give someone the time

1. (also: give someone time) be patient with smb. in expectation of a change or achievement:

  • Parents don’t have to solve the problems for him—just give him the time and attention he needs to grow.

2. (sl., euph.) have sex with a person:

  • I was personally acquainted with at least two girls he gave the time to.

give someone the time of day—(usually negat.) exchange a greeting or casual remark with a person:

  • Lippy wouldn’t have given Danny the time of day … not if he’d have come to him on bended knees.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase know the time of day—(coll.) be perceptive and shrewd; have good judgment:

  • David is a trainer who knows the time of day—he is one of the best in the profession.

Cf.: not know what time it is —(coll.) be not very smart or not informed on the situation:

  • From the kind of things I’ve seen him do, he doesn’t know what time it is. He’s dangerous.