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Difference between Go one’s own way and Go one’s way

go one’s own way—follow one’s inclinations; act independently:

  • Parents need to realize that as children grow up, they’ve got to let them go their own way.

Note: The expression is not equivalent in meaning to the phrase have one’s own way(also: have one’s way) do what one wants meeting with no opposition:

  • Divide a nation into parties, or set your enemies at loggerheads, and you can have your own way.

go one’s way—

1. leave a place; depart:

  • I told him I did not care whether he got into parliament or not; so he called me Mugwump and went his way.

2. = go one’s own way:

  • Before starting my work, I got some ideas from the director, but he let me go my way from there.

Note: The expression is not antonymous in meaning to the phrase go out of one’s way—(also: put oneself out of the way) go to great trouble to do smth. well:

  • Why does a daughter of mine, whom I’ve loved go out of her way to make a jackass of me?