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Difference between Go straight and Go straight to the point

go straight—(coll.)

1. act honestly; desist from criminal activities:

  • Patrick lives with Kate and has promised to go straight after years of being a hardman in London’s underworld.

2. conform to social conventions, especially to give up drugs or cease homosexual practices:

  • Implication is that if some gays can go straight, any gay can go straight.

Note: The expression is not antonymous in meaning to the phrase go around the bend—(coll.) go crazy or behave as if mad (also: go round the bend):

  • He went around the bend when he heard his daughter was planning to marry John.

go straight to the point—(also: come straight to the point) give the essential part of what one is trying to say, ignoring what is irrelevant:

  • “What’s this nonsense about a studio, Sadie?” I said, going straight to the point.