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Difference between Grandame and Grande dame

grandame—(dated) a grandmother or a woman who is no longer young (also: grandam):

  • The sergeant, handing his musket to a comrade, rushed in and attempted to seize the rebellious grandame by the waist.

grande damea socially important, usually elderly, woman who is well known or highly esteemed:

  • To her customers and culinary followers Madame Kuony was the grande dame of classic French cooking.

Note: The expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase grand old lady

1. = grande dame:

  • When the 1960s social revolution rolled round, Dorothy was hailed as the “grand old lady of pacifism.”

2. used of a house, a ship, etc. that are old, antique, or worthwhile restoring for posterity:

  • This grand old lady of sailing ship days rests in Port Vila Harbor.