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Difference between Grow away from something and Grow out of something

grow away from somethinggradually cease to have a close relationship with smth.:

  • Taufiq admits that he has grown away from his home country and his mother tongue.

grow out of something

1. develop or result from smth.:

  • Her interest in business grew out of business courses she took as an undergraduate.

2. (of children) gradually become too big for one’s clothes:

  • I know many of you just had babies, and I know how quickly babies grow out of their things.

3. become too old or rational to continue liking or doing smth.:

  • They speak to me as if I am a youthful idealist, as if I will one day grow out of my current liberal mindset.

Note: The expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase grow from something— = grow out of something 1:

  • Mark’s early love for technology grew from his interest in computer games.