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Difference between Half-way and Middle-of-the-road


1. situated midway between two points, stages of a journey, etc.:

  • A half way station was added where visitors can break their journey with a visit to the nearby Bronze Age Copper Mine.

2. (of a situation) midway between two states or conditions:

  • In this situation, half way between dictatorship and democracy, the military institution has set limits to the range of behaviors of civilian politicians.


1. (of a person or a course of action) moderate and unadventurous; tending to avoid extremes:

  • They wanted him, the old middle-of-the-road liberal democrat, to be their first president.

2. (of music, style of dress, etc.) conventional, standard or mainstream:

  • Randy Wood put out some records—not country music or downright jazz but what he called “middle of the road music.”