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Difference between In the field and On the field

in the field

1. in an area of grassland for cattle or arable land for crops:

  • Hundreds of combines will be in the fields by Wednesday.

2. in an outdoor athletic or sports area:

  • Each player in the field follows the progress of the game and constantly tracks the movement of his eight teammates.

3. (Military) at the scene of combat:

  • They needed a more effective way of using military forces in the field.

4. in the area of a particular subject:

  • The purpose of this scholarship is to promote excellence in the field of music by offering incentives to talented students.

5. away from base or outside of laboratories:

  • A number of the projects involve a combination of laboratory investigations with work carried out in the field.

on the field

1. = in the field 1:

  • Last year nothing grew on the field where it [pesticide] had been applied but rattle-weed.

2. = in the field 2:

  • I am fortunate to say that my team is rare. We are brimming with excitement, which can be felt on the field and in our houses at night.

3. = in the field 3:

  • This is not an intelligence failure but a severe operational failure. There is a lack of cooperation between the forces on the field.