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Difference between In the road and On the road

in the road

1. within the area of the road as distinct from the pavement:

  • Never stand in the road to hitchhike or conduct business with passing motorists.

2. in smb.’s way; obstructing passage:

  • You’re in the road—we can’t work properly while you’re standing there talking.

on the road

1. on the surface of the road:

  • We had to drive very carefully, as there was ice on the road.

2. traveling (as a commercial traveler, etc.):

  • We could not resist the sheltered table and chairs which make life on the road so much easier.

3. (also: on the way) in good prospect of smth.:

  • She is now well on the road to becoming one of our most successful actresses.

See also: in the way / on the way.