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Difference between Inner man and Inside man

inner man

1. the spiritual part of man; the soul or mind:

  • Self-reflection is the only method of learning what is the inner man or mind that our action expresses.

2. (joc.) one’s appetite for food:

  • I wonder if a little something could be provided to pacify the inner man?

inside man

1. smb. employed within a building; a man working indoors:

  • Counting the number of hours worked, the outside men are given an equal amount of employment with the inside men.

2. a trusted person within an organization:

  • With our inside man being a part of the President’s staff, we should not have any problem dealing with the White House.

3. an undercover agent working in an organization:

  • Ward has just informed me that our inside man made contact with him.

See also: outer man / outside man.