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Difference between Inquire about something and Inquire for something

inquire about something—(also: inquire after something) seek information about smth.:

  • Where ought I to go to inquire about London bus tours?

inquire for somethingask the whereabouts of some place one wishes to find:

  • This lady is inquiring for the furnishing department.


a) The expression does not fully correlate in meaning with the phrase ask for something

1. request smth.:

  • The most important step towards treating depression—and sometimes the most difficult—is asking for help.

2. = inquire for something:

  • As we got off, we overheard a tourist asking for the Museum of Anthropology, so we followed her.

3. (in the phrase “ask for trouble”) act in a way that is likely to cause problems or trouble:

  • I think taking a hot cup of anything in a car is asking for trouble.

b) Neither expression correlates in meaning with the phrase inquire into something—examine or investigate smth.:

  • The commission may refer the matter to the board with a direction to inquire into the matter.