King Charles’s head—a subject that keeps on appearing in a person’s conversation:
- He talks about nothing but money—it’s becoming a King Charles’s head!
Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase King Charles—short for “King Charles’s Spaniel”:
- A little “King Charles,” with a crimson ribbon round his neck is jumping on the sofa.
King’s head—representation of a king on a postage stamp, etc.:
- Take care never to step on a coin or banknote or a postage stamp with the king’s head on it.
Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the compound kinghead—a coarse annual plant (Ambrosia trifida):
- The seeds consist of one central beak surrounded by a circle of five or more marginal points, giving a king’s crown appearance, hence the plant’s common names—kinghead and crown-weed.