out of it—
1. excluded from the activities of those around one:
- I felt rather out of it in France because I can’t speak French.
2. not fully alert and aware of what is happening:
- Bill is really out of it today. Why can’t he pay attention?
3. (sl.) alcohol or drug intoxicated:
- He is simply, to use his own phrase, “out of it.” Whether drunk or very drunk, he seems to have long decided which questions he will answer.
well out of it—
1. = out of it 1:
- We decided to keep well out of it. However when the purge began, we were labeled an antirevolution clique without any reason.
2. lucky to escape smth.:
- Stanley Bruce, having left a legacy of debt and deficit behind him, was happy to be well out of it.
See also: beyond it / off it; not in it / not with it.