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Difference between Ride high and Ride tall

ride high —(also: ride high in the saddle)

1. have a period of success, popularity, etc.:

  • The new government has been riding high in the polls for several months now.

2. (of a boat) sit high in the water:

  • It was made of welded aluminum, stuffed with plenty of lightweight Styrofoam to make the boat ride high in the water.

Cf.: ride low—(of a boat) sit low in the water:

  • Ballast water may also be carried so that a ship rides low enough in the water to pass under bridges.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase ride high on the hog—(coll., also: live high on the hog) live in a lavish or extravagant manner:

  • Oh, yes, sometimes you ride high on the hog, but most of the time, you settle for the limits the world has placed on you.

ride tall —(also: walk tall) show dignity and self-respect:

  • Doesn’t matter if you eat corn mash and saddle your own horse; you can still ride tall.