Lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce are comparable when they mean to draw one from a situation or a course (as of action or behavior) typically felt as right, desirable, or usual or into one felt as wrong, undesirable, or unusual.
Lure implies the action of a strong or irresistible influence which may be baneful or perfectly innocuous or even desirable.
Entice adds to lure a strong suggestion of artfuless and adroitness.
Inveigle implies the use of wiles and often of deceit and flattery. Distinctively, it may apply to the coaxing of something from someone by such means.
Decoy may mean to entrap or lead (as into danger) by artifice and especially by false appearances.
Tempt historically meant and still may mean to entice into evil through hope of pleasure or gain. In more general use it may carry a suggestion of exerting such an attraction as inclines one to act against one’s better judgment or higher principles, but more often implies an attracting or inducing that is morally perfectly neutral.
Seduce usually means to lead astray (as from the course of rectitude, propriety, or duty) by overcoming scruples and even in its most favorable senses in which it implies a moving or turning into a new course it commonly suggests some degree of deluding or misleading as the method employed.