Estimation, estimate both mean the act of valuing or appraising, but they are rarely interchangeable.
Estimate vs Appraise vs Evaluate vs Value vs Rate vs Assess vs Assay
Estimate, appraise, evaluate, value, rate, assess, assay are comparable when meaning to judge a thing with respect to its worth.
Essential vs Fundamental vs Vital vs Cardinal
Essential, fundamental, vital, cardinal mean so important as to be indispensable.
Essay vs Article vs Paper vs Theme vs Composition
Essay, article, paper, theme, composition are comparable when denoting a relatively brief discourse written for others’ reading or consideration.
Escape vs Avoid vs Evade vs Elude vs Shun vs Eschew
Escape, avoid, evade, elude, shun, eschew are comparable when meaning to get away or to keep away from something which one does not wish to incur, endure, or encounter.
Escape vs Flee vs Fly vs Decamp vs Abscond
Escape, flee, fly, decamp, abscond mean to run away especially from something which limits one’s freedom or threatens one’s well-being.
Error vs Mistake vs Blunder vs Slip vs Lapse vs Faux pas vs Bull vs Howler vs Boner
Error, mistake, blunder, slip, lapse, faux pas, bull, howler, boner are comparable when they denote something (as an act, statement, or belief) that involves a departure from what is, or what is generally held to be, true, right, or proper. Error implies a straying from a proper course and suggests such guilt as may lie in failure to take proper advantage of a guide […]
Erotic vs Amatory vs Amorous vs Amative vs Aphrodisiac
Erotic, amatory, amorous, amative, aphrodisiac all involve the idea of love for the opposite sex, but they are not freely interchangeable because of differences in denotation as well as in implications.
Erase vs Expunge vs Cancel vs Efface vs Obliterate vs Blot out vs Delete
Erase, expunge, cancel, efface, obliterate, blot out, delete mean to strike out something so that it no longer has effect or existence.
Equipment vs Apparatus vs Machinery vs Paraphernalia vs Outfit vs Tackle vs Gear vs Matéiel
Equipment, apparatus, machinery, paraphernalia, outfit, tackle, gear, matéiel are comparable when they mean all the things that are used in a given work or are useful in effecting a given end.
Equanimity vs Composure vs Sangfroid vs Phlegm
Equanimity, composure, sangfroid, phlegm mean the mental temper of one who is self-possessed or not easily disturbed or perturbed.
Epicure vs Gourmet vs Gourmand vs Glutton vs Bon vivant vs Gastronome
Epicure, gourmet, gourmand, glutton, bon vivant, gastronome mean one who takes pleasure in eating and drinking.