Decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn are comparable when they mean to turn away something or someone by not consenting to accept, receive, or consider it or him.
Difference between Different from and Different than
Different from is used when comparing items. Excluding cost, her car is different from mine in many ways. Different than is used when a subject and verb (a clause) follow the phrase. Her job today is much different than it was five years ago.
Declare vs Announce vs Publish vs Advertise vs Proclaim vs Promulgate vs Broadcast
Declare, announce, publish, advertise, proclaim, promulgate, broadcast (and their corresponding nouns declaration, announcement, publication, advertisement, proclamation, promulgation, broadcasting) denote to make known (or a making known) openly or publicly.
Difference between Differ from and Differ with
Differ from means to differ between one person or thing and another. My car differs from Joe’s in that it is equipped with a GPS. Differ with means to differ in opinion (disagree). I differed with her opinion of the new school principal.
Decided vs Decisive
Decided, decisive are often confused, especially when they mean positive and leaving no room for doubt, uncertainty, or further discussion.
Difference between Dialog and Dialogue
Though dialogue is more common, either spelling is acceptable.
Decide vs Determine vs Settle vs Rule vs Resolve
Decide, determine, settle, rule, resolve mean to come or to cause to come to a conclusion.
Difference between Dialectal and Dialectical
Dialectal refers to a dialect or a regional language. Nine major dialectal regions exist in China. Dialectical refers to a method for arriving at the truth. Some philosophers use the Socratic dialectical method of cross-examination.
Difference between Dialate and Dilate
Dilate is the correct word.
Deception vs Fraud vs Double-dealing vs Trickery vs Chicane vs Chicanery
Deception, fraud, double-dealing, trickery, chicane, chicanery mean the act or practice of, or the means used by, one who deliberately deceives in order to accomplish his ends.
Deceive vs Mislead vs Delude vs Beguile vs Betray vs Double-Cross
Deceive, mislead, delude, beguile, betray, double-cross mean to lead astray or into evil or to frustrate by underhandedness or craft.
Difference between Diagnosis and Prognosis
Diagnosis is the identification of a problem, most commonly a medical condition. The diagnosis is a slight tear in the right knee’s cartilage. Prognosis is a forecast or prediction. The doctor offered his prognosis that knee surgery would help.