Honorarium is a gift of payment for a service instead of a set price. They gave Kerry an honorarium for his architecture advice. Stipend is an agreed to sum of money for a periodic service. She gets a large stipend from the college every three months.
Difference between Homographs, Homonyms and Homophones
Homographs are words spelled alike but different in meaning and pronunciation (noun project vs. the verb project). Homonyms are words spelled and pronounced alike but have different meanings (A bear can bear very cold temperatures.). Homophones are words pronounced alike but different in spelling and meaning (their, there and real, reel).
Difference between Homogeneous and Homogenous
Homogeneous means of the same or similar nature or kind. It was a homogeneous club, its members having similar values. Homogenous means resembling in structure, due to descent. As shown by their like physiology, the animals are homogenous.
Difference between Home in on and Hone in on
Home in on, meaning to aim at a target, is the correct phrase. With that obvious clue, we can quickly home in on the answer.
Difference between Home and House
Home refers to intangible things (emotions) within a dwelling. It’s obvious they are all being raised in a very happy home. House refers to a structure that can be built, bought, or sold. The real estate broker just put her house on the market.
Difference between Hoi polloi and Hoity-toity
Hoi polloi means the common people or the masses. We were delighted to see their heroes riding with the hoi polloi. Hoity-toity means the elite, snobbish, or the upper class. You’ll never catch us hanging out with a hoity-toity crowd.
Difference between Hoard and Horde
Hoard refers to a hidden find or cache. Jim found a hoard of Roman coins with his metal detector. Horde refers to a crowd or throng. We ran into a horde of mosquitoes at last night’s softball game.
Difference between Historic and Historical
Historic refers to something important or memorable. The opening of the wing is a historic occasion for the hospital. Historical means concerned with or relating to history. Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone with the Wind” is a historical novel.
Difference between Hippie and Hippy
Hippie is a long-haired flower child from the 1960s, and hippy is an adjective that describes a person with wide hips.
Difference between Hinder and Prevent
Hinder means to delay, impede, or make things difficult. The leg cast may hinder some of her movements. Prevent means to stop something from happening or succeeding. If you take precautions, you will prevent an accident.
Difference between Hilarious and Hysterical
Hilarious refers to something (not a person) being very funny. The film was simply hilarious. Hysterical refers to people when they lose control of their emotions. We laughed hysterically at the film.
Difference between Hew and Hue
Hew means to cut or chop using a sharp instrument (e.g., axe). The fire fighters used an axe to hew the dead trees from the forest. Hue is a gradient of color that helps to classify other colors. We picked a blue hue of paint to match the living room chairs.