be beat—(coll.) 1. (also: be dead-beat) be very tired; be utterly exhausted: I am beat from all this packing and moving of stuff. 2. be defeated in a competition: His team was beat because it failed to execute properly during the most critical moments of the game. be beaten — = be beat 2: The moment […]
Difference between Collaborate and Corroborate
Collaborate means to aid, cooperate, or work together. The church collaborated on the holiday project for the needy. Corroborate means to strengthen by confirming something. The witness corroborated the defendant’s testimony.
Command vs Order vs Bid vs Enjoin vs Direct vs Instruct vs Charge
Command, order, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, charge mean to issue orders to someone to give, get, or do something.
Difference between Be bad form and Be in bad form
be bad form—(of manners or behavior) be improper as judged by accepted social standards: It is considered bad form to arrive too early at a dinner party. be in bad form—(Sport) be in bad condition of health and training: Even when Henin is in bad form, you need to have real smart strategy to beat […]
Comfortable vs Cozy vs Snug vs Easy vs Restful
Comfortable, cozy, snug, easy, restful are comparable when they mean enjoying or providing conditions or circumstances which make for one’s contentment and security.
Difference between Be aware of something and Beware of something
be aware of something—have knowledge of smth.; be conscious of smth.: The government is already aware of an insufficient electricity supply. beware of something—(imper.) be on guard against smth.: Beware of the rain … make sure your camera is well-protected if in a side-pocket.
Difference between Climactic and Climatic
Climactic refers to the culmination of events (a climax). The special effects in the climactic scene of the film are dull. Climatic refers to meteorological conditions. The Ice Age ushered in severe climatic conditions.
Comfort vs Console vs Solace
Comfort, console, solace are comparable when meaning to give or offer a person help or assistance in relieving his suffering or sorrow.
Difference between Click, Press and Type
Click means pressing and releasing the mouse button once. To start the program, click the red icon on the desktop. Press means to put force on something. If it fails again, press the Reset button on the computer once. Type means pressing a character key on a keyboard. After you have entered all the data, […]
Difference between Be at the crossroads and Cross paths
be at the crossroads—be at a critical turning-point at which two or more courses of action are possible: Students are through with their exams and are now at the crossroads of a choice of career. cross paths—meet or encounter a person: Occasionally they will cross paths, especially to compete in a nationally televised debate arranged by […]
Come vs Arrive
Come, arrive are comparable because both basically mean to get to one point from another more or less distant in space, time, relation, or development.
Cliché vs Clique
Cliché is an overused expression. Good writers usually try to avoid using clichés in their writing. Clique refers to a small, exclusive group of people. To the dismay of some, many cliques exist in their high school.